Game Chapter Guild Tags & Dual Guilding

Lords of the Dead provisionals, CMs or ranking LotD members who actively participate in a gaming environment where an LotD Chapter is active are prohibited to belong to any other guild. Dual-guilding is not permitted, under any circumstance, where LotD has a chapter presence, regardless of server or game world. It is, however, acceptable to […]

Game Chapter Recruitment

1: Chapter Leadership will require the reading of all LotD by-laws by provisional and CMs.2: The reading of any chapter-specific literature and laws as defined by the Chapter Leadership.3: A written application or test of skill as defined by the Chapter Leadership, to be made available in that chapter’s general forum.4: Downloading of the current […]

Game Chapter Inactivity

A CM or ranking LotD member, upon wishing to stop playing a game for any reason or will be absent for longer than thirty days, but still desires to game with the guild in the future must petition his Chapter GM in the appropriate forum for permission to go inactive. The chapter GM will review […]

Game Chapter Conduct & Discipline

DisciplineLeadership can take action to discipline, demote or remove any member who conducts himself in an improper way. Examples of Improper conduct may be, but are not limited to, slandering the guild publicly, inciting internal strife within the guild, insubordination, being a member of another guild in a game where LotD has an active presence, […]

Game Chapter Membership

Provisional status, CM status, or an LotD rank of Lord or higher is required for to join in a Lords of the Dead gaming chapter. Applications or tests of skill are to be defined and required by Chapter Leadership upon the start of a chapter. Age restrictions apply to LotD as a whole due to […]

Game Chapter Leadership

LotD has created an official structure for sanctioned guild gaming chapters. A sanctioned chapter must have an active Elder or Warlord serving as Chapter Sponsor (CS). Each sub-chapter operates under LotD by-laws, but may create chapter-specific rules and policies beyond these laws. Chapters are also granted internal leadership positions to be defined by and filled […]

What is a Game Chapter?

LotD has created an official structure for sanctioned guild gaming chapters. A sanctioned chapter must have an active Elder or Warlord serving as Chapter Sponsor (CS). Each sub-chapter operates under LotD by-laws, but may create chapter-specific rules and policies beyond these laws. Chapters are also granted internal leadership positions to be defined by and filled […]