Ruling Council

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The Ruling Council of LotD (RCoD) is the ruling arm of LotD, and it is comprised of active members that hold the rank of Elder and Warlord. The RCoD elects the LotD GM and AGM, who preside over the council and oversee their activities.

The RCoD is responsible for executing plans, making decisions, strategizing future gaming efforts, and filling roles assigned to them by the GM. They create and (with the help of the GM and AGM) enforce guild law dealing with member discipline beyond the chapter level. The RCoD implements guild law (bylaws) through a weighted majority vote. Elders are granted a full vote while Warlord votes count as half. All bylaws created or amended are made public within 5 days of their ratification.

In the case of any tie votes within the RCoD, the GM casts the deciding vote. A majority vote is all that is necessary to pass any normal judgment, and a 75% majority is needed to overturn directives from the LotD GM or AGM. These judgements include member rank appointment, member discipline and bylaw interpretation.


Guild Master (GM):


Assistant Guild Masters (AGM):


The Ruling Council of the Lords of the Dead (RCoD) :

Elders – Guilford, Iseng, Krevix, Leshil, Ren, Valus

Warlords – CynicalBliss, Georgetta, Piikka, Solracs

RCoD Requirements:

Must be active on discord and at least ONE of the following:

Participating in a current LotD project.

Managing a LotD Resource (guild funds, website, discord etc.)

Actively participating in a chapter


Active on the leadership team of a current chapter.

Warlord: Annual (1 year) re-revaluation

Each year a Warlord must reapply for their rank by the 3rd week of January each calendar year.  If a Warlord has attained the rank after May in a given calendar year, they do not need to submit a retention application until the following calendar year.  A Warlord may choose to not reapply and revert to the rank of Lord, or petition to become an Elder.

Elders will consider these renewals on a yearly, individual basis each January.  A simple majority vote by Elders is required for a Warlord to retain their rank.  The application contains a list of accomplishments and achievements during the year they retained the rank of Warlord. 

If a Warlord does not obtain the necessary votes, they revert to the rank of Lord. They may petition for Warlord the next calendar year, if they choose.

Elder: Bi- annual (2 year) re-evaluation

If not meeting set requirements then the Elder is moved to inactive Elder status.

If set to inactive, current Elders can after 6 months vote to reinstate the inactive Elder in question.  This is a case by case basis and may be shortened or extended based off of current needs or inactive Elders performance.

If an Elder is going to require a leave of absence greater than 4 months (health problems, deployment, etc.) they can declare themselves inactive and return at their own discretion within 1 ½ year’s.  Longer leave of absence will follow same protocol as above.