Non-Voting Elder
Non-voting Elders will retain their rank and be given due respect for previous achievement as well as being given the opportunity to provide feedback on all guild issues. In regards to inactivity, reinstatement to full Elder status requires a majority vote of individuals holding the rank Elder and above. Returning non-voting Elders must be active for 6 months in order to be considered for reinstatement.
An Elder may voluntarily petition for non-voting status if conditions deemed significant by the GM create a situation where they are unable to perform their guild duties for four or more months.
Non-Voting Elders may petition the Ruling Council for reinstatement to Elder.
An Elder shall be designated as non-voting if that Elder has not served as a Chapter Sponsor, Co-Sponsor, has not served in a chapter leadership position of any rank, has not been active on discord while participating in a chapter or general guild activities within the last 24 months or has had a bad return of investment for two chapters.
Elders deemed bad concerning their return of investment shall be considered for demotion to the rank of Warlord or lower, requiring a majority vote by the RCoD.
Removed from the Ruling Council
Non-Voting Elders have given up or lost their ability to vote as part of the Ruling Council.